Django Comment Framework

Posted on July 9, 2010

I’ve implemented comments on this site for all blog posts. I’ve been wanting to add comments for a long time, especially in case I have errors in any of my postings.

I decided to build off of Django’s built in comment framework django.contrib.comments. I was very impressed on how easy it is to integrate and customize. The Django comment framework allows you to attach comments to any model you have. So I didn’t need to do any additional database work.

I’m going to attempt to hold off on CAPTCHA for the moment to see how their honeypot feature works. But I expect that I’ll have to implement a CAPTCHA system eventually. Basically the honeypot feature is an extra field in the form that’s used as a trap. If any data is entered in that field, the comment will be considered spam. Spam robots will typically fill out all fields when attempting to make a form submission.

The sliding and collapsing effects are basically done with a single line of jQuery code.


You can also optionally pass in a duration or ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ keywords to the slideToggle function. Some other cool cross browser things you can do with jQuery are: adding animated effects, Making XML HTTP (AJAX) requests, DOM navigation, DOM manipulation, drag and drop, complex client side operations, and validation.

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