Web optimizations and canvas exporting with data URLs

Posted on July 10, 2011

We see the http a URL scheme, just about every day:


The http part in the example above is the URL scheme.

But there are also dozens of other URL schemes, including: ftp, mailto, irc, smb, chrome, about, snmp, and data. This post talks about one called the data URL scheme.

The data URL scheme, amongst other things, allows you to embed images into your HTML pages. That means that no separate HTTP request/response is needed to obtain such an image. It looks like this:

<img src="" alt="Red dot" />

The first part of the URL is the scheme data, followed by the mime type image/png, optionally followed by base64 (if not specified assumes ASCII characters with encoded non printable characters). The last part of the URI after the comma is the content of the file in the appropriate encoding.

The data URL scheme was specified in 1998 in RFC 2397 and has been implemented by most major browsers as of HTML4. Most major browsers already have pretty good coverage for HTML5. IE1-IE7 lack support.

The benefit of using the data URL scheme is that if the image is small, the overhead is less than the HTTP request/response headers. It also frees up concurrent connections since each browser has a maximum amount of connections it can make total and to each domain.

You wouldn’t want to use the data URL scheme for large images, or if you require support for IE7 and below. Your image won’t be separately cached either, so this means that it will be downloaded with each request to the parent HTML page. You can get around this last limitation though by specifying your data URL inside an already cached CSS file with a CSS rule background:url(‘data:image/png;base64,…);

Overall it is a good thing to use and I’d use it for social icons in HTML.
There are also many other uses of the data URL scheme mentioned below.

Uses of the data URI scheme:

You may have noticed that sometimes emails with images don’t have a separate attachment. You can use the data URI scheme inside HTML email messages without having a separate image attachment.

The new HTML5 <canvas> element allows you to export your canvas to a data URL. You can do this with &lt;canvas&gt;.toDataURL

How it relates to me:

I recently improved the BMP and ICO decoder (refactoring plus adding support for PNG ICOs) for Firefox. I also have to implement BMP and ICO encoders so that we can have better shell integration with Windows 7.

A side effect of doing these ICO and BMP encoders is that Firefox will support BMP and ICO generation via the <canvas>.toDataURL('image/ico') and <canvas>.toDataURL('image/bmp'). This makes Firefox a pretty good image conversion program. This also makes it possible for example, for a web page developer to implement a favicon creator without server side code. No other browsers currently implement BMP and ICO mime types for canvas exporting.

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